LICKALIX was at Barnes Food Fair last year, and because we loved it so much, we went again this year! This year the fair had over 80 food stalls with amazing food, including our tasty ice lollies! :) The many visitors devoured their food whilst enjoying live music by the main stage. Kenny, our lollimobile, was parked right next to the stage. We were dancing all day in between selling lollies!
All set up! The calm before the storm...
When the fair opened, it was busy in no time! Yay!
On his way to a delicious ice lolly :)
Happy customers are the best costumers!
We even got some help from two school kids who were raising money for charity! How amazing is that!
These three lovely sisters hung out around our lollimobile Kenny all day! So much fun :)
Of course we had to get some food ourselves as well... We went for this vegan muffin from The Muffin Makery. Too good!
If you would like to see more LICKALIX, head over to our Instagram: LICKALIXLTD, Twitter: or our Facebook page:
Brought to you by the guys and gals who make natural, healthy, handmade and organic ice lollies using real whole fruit that are lactose, gluten and dairy free. Keep posted for more blogs and let us know if there is anything you would like us to write about!